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What is Shockwave therapy?

ESWT (Extracorporal Shockwave Therapy) has been used since 1970s.  This was the focused shockwavetherapy which was used to crush kidneystones gallstones. 

The radiating shockwave maschine which I have, came on the maket in 2000, is the one that is mostly used by therapists.  


This shockwave therapy has very good results, specially on tendinitis (like plantarfascitis, epicondylitis, achillestendinitis, jumpers knee, trochanter tendinopaties, tennis and golfers elbow, capsulitis, bursitis, etc). Additionally it is very good in treating triggerpoints and muscletension, with different muscle pain syndromes. 

Shockwavetherapy is felt as sticking or "hammering" on the tender point (inflamed arrea). It is harmless, and the pain stops imediately as the therapy stops. It is import to start the healingproces to go deep into the tissue, by SWT. Sometimes there has been adhesive tissue growth or inflammation process that has to be treated. SWT is good both in the acute phase, but also in the chronic phase. 

Visit me in the acute phase, so we can work on the inflamed area as soon as possible. 

Kontakt oss

C/ Tabarca 30 – ARABI PLAZA

03580 Alfaz del Pi, Alicante

+34 966 860 704


Legetimer i klinikk:          Man - Fre

08:30 – 13:00 

Fysioterapi/Trykkbølge:  Man - Fre        13:00 - 16:00

Ved bestilling av time pr telefonen, må dette gjøres
 mellom kl. 08:30 og kl 10:00.  Telefonen blir besvart ved legesenteret hvor de snakker engelsk. Online bookinger kan gjøres når som helst.

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